Sharing a Demo Online: Social Media Reactions

Wow! This is so cool! Let me save it in a bookmark that I will never check again!
That is great, but why not using something like [experimental property supported by only 1% of the browsers]?
Wow! Just wow! And THAT is why developers should NEVER design!

Beginner Devs

Snob Devs


Hey! I saw your cool JavaScript demo. I have a Java opening that would be a perfect match for you.
JavaScript and Java are the same, right?
Four years of teaching them... for this?
Retirement cannot arrive soon enough...
A few weeks later... (if you are lucky)
Check this demo *I* totally coded myself


Your Professors


They say that $#*% took them 6 hours to code
*angry sob*
I bet they are cheating
If they have time to build this $#*% off-work, they have time to work.
Double their tasks!
Again with this $#*%? Why can they not post normal stuff like everyone else?

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Your Manager

Friends & Family comiCSS by Alvaro Montoro
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