If web styling technologies were human languages...
CSS would be Spanish
Short, rich, diverse, and often chaotic... and no one really cares to learn it properly
Bootstrap would be Latin
It is short and has declinations. You can Find it everywhere... but it is basically dead
BEM would be French
Well structured but repetitive, and it could avoid many unnecessary terminations
CSS-in-JS would be Esperanto
It's modern and looks like a great idea at First sight... but it's not really taking off
CSS Modules would be Japanese
It is organized, structured, and encapsulates the meaning. It sparks joy
Bulma would be Sanskrit
It has been around for a long time and is supposed to be superior... yet no one uses it
Tailwind would be German
Descriptive and powerful... but too long. It can turn confusing and complex quickly
Less would be American English
It is shorter and powerful. Expressing complex ideas is straightforward with it
SASS would be British English
Used everywhere and almost business standard. It is the OG —and a bit snobbish